Welcome! ...to the very temporary site of stockimagescanada.com. Click here to Enter Gallery.

While our programmer works at fine tuning the fully searchable, on-line stock image site, we wanted to give you a chance to have a sneak peek at just a few of the images that you will soon be able to preview and purchase on-line.

If you see an image that you need now, make note of the file number, contact us via email or phone (1-800-216-7833), and we will make sure you get your images right away. All images are currently rights managed, and range in price from $50 (Canadian!) and up.

Many of the images are scanned from transparency film and many are new digital captures (12 to 24.5 megapixels and larger). Discuss your requirements with us, and we'll do our best to deliver the image quality you need. Some of the images you see at this time are not optimized and colour corrected. Don't be influenced by the preview's contrast or colour - most will benefit dramatically from expert enhancement. Here's an example:

Before: The raw digital capture

After expert colour correction

If you don't see what you need, call us anyway, because there are many times more images that haven't yet been prepared. If we don't have what you need, we'll try to refer you to someone who will.

We are also available for assignment photography, and would be happy to quote a price for your next project.